Access the Power of Your Higher Self During Sleep

Access the Power of Your Higher Self During Sleep

How I used Sleep to Retrieve Information from my Subconscious Mind

When I went to sleep last night, I set the intention to remember an address that I resided at when I was younger. I moved into that location at seventeen years old and lived there for just a few short years before moving to another city. My mind and body was on constant red alert while living there. I had left my foster home and slid right into an abusive relationship with a textbook narcissist. (I didn’t know what that was at the time) It took many years for me to understand the dynamics around this, and it was a theme in many of my future relationships. 

I may write more about that in other articles. I’ll just say that even though it was a step up from where I had come from (I spent my teenage years moving around, couch surfing, being abandoned at different locations, and mostly homeless) it was still a highly charged negative environment. 

I was preparing to send a package to someone who has been living at that address since I moved away. As hard as I tried, I could not remember the address. I had completely blocked it out and left it behind me. The trauma was deep. 

All I could remember was a PO box that my former in-laws had and the names of the cross streets I lived near. My address was erased from my memory, just like many of the memories associated with living there. 

I thought it would be fun to practice retrieving memories from my subconscious mind while in a relaxed state drifting off to sleep. My last thought as I was relaxing in my bed, was what I remembered about the cross streets and PO box. I visualized where I had lived and then fell asleep.

The first thing that came to my mind as I woke up the next morning was an address! It was so clear, I didn’t even have to write it down. I remembered it as if it was never forgotten. Still, my analytical mind doubted it a tiny bit and I asked for confirmation from the recipient of the package before writing it on her box. The confirmation I received from her not only confirmed that I remembered the correct address, it confirmed for me once again that it is totally possible to retrieve accurate information from my subconscious mind. 

What does this mean to you spiritually on a practical level?

It means that you always have a connection to spiritual energies. All you have to do is relax and ask. Everybody has the capability to do this. You can use spiritual practices to receive practical results to enhance your day to day life. I have listed a few of them below. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel. You will notice more messages from your higher self in the form of thoughts, images and feelings. Your higher self has important messages for you. You will know the message is from your higher self because it will just feel right. Like when I remembered my old address. I just knew it was my address. I asked for confirmation and it’s OK to do that. It gave me validation and more evidence for myself that I can access accurate information from my subconscious mind.

How I Connected to My Higher Self through Sleeping:

First, I got very relaxed and centered. I did this by simply laying down in my bed to go to sleep, and then taking some long deep breaths. Breathing deeply calms the nervous system and prepares the mind and body for deep relaxation.

Second, I asked a specific question. I silently asked my higher self and spirit guides to help me remember the address I lived at during those years. I then visualized the place in my mind’s eye. Don’t worry if you are not able to visualize a perfectly clear picture. Just setting your intention is enough.

Third, I let go of it. I turned my attention away from the question. I did not expect any particular outcome and drifted off to sleep. If you “try” too hard, you’ll stay in the energy of “trying.” Have you ever “tried” to remember something? Often what happens is you turn your attention to something else and then you remember what you were “trying” to remember. It happens to me all the time. The act of letting go and allowing the information to come to you is the magic of receiving information.

Ways You Can Retrieve Information:

Sleeping and Dreaming

You naturally enter this state every night. You can practice connecting to your higher self before falling asleep just like I did. It is helpful to keep pen and paper next to your bed. When you wake up, immediately write down everything you remember. If you wait, the memories have a tendency to slip away. Writing helps to strengthen your ability to remember. You may spontaneously remember something more as you go through your day. If this happens, write it down.

Meditation to Connect with Your Higher Self

Sit or lay down quietly and focus your attention on your breath while allowing everything else in the background to be secondary to your attention on the breath. A common misconception about meditation is that you have to shut off your mind. It’s not true. Meditation is not about pushing everything away. It’s just the opposite. It’s natural to have thoughts and feelings. Just acknowledge that they are there and redirect your attention to your breath. By doing this, you are aware of everything, yet becoming more relaxed.

Yoga Nidra to Connect with Your Higher Self

Yoga Nidra is a fantastic way to connect to your higher self. It is a guided meditation that takes you to that dreamy place between being fully awake and deep sleep. There are so many benefits for your mind and body with this practice. I use this technique often with my clients for lots of reasons. General health, well being and spiritual evolution are just a few of them. By the way, a half hour session of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to a few hours of sleep. For that reason alone, it is a powerful modality for healing.

Hypnotherapy to Connect with Your Higher Self

Hypnotherapy is a guided deep relaxation where you are fully aware, yet completely relaxed. I love this modality when there is something very specific to be addressed. Hypnotherapy supports positive change in your life and can help you improve in many areas. It’s also great for stress management.

Guided Imagery &Visualization to Connect with Your Higher Self

Guided Imagery & Visualization is a process of being guided to use your imagination for a purpose. It could be for spiritual development, some type of healing, personal growth, stress reduction, and lots of other things. I use symbolic therapeutic imagery to guide you toward discovering deeper parts of yourself through seeing symbols. It’s like taking a little journey into your imagination. Your subconscious will bring up what is important.

Mind Body Therapies to Help You Connect with Your Higher Self

Mindfully practicing one or more of these mind body modalities on a regular basis will enhance your intuitive abilities and you will be more aware of the information that comes to you. You will find that the more you let go and practice receiving, the more helpful the information will be that you receive.

I used an example of remembering an address. You can apply this to anything you wish to remember or you can just be open to receiving general information. I think it worked because I was having fun with it and not expecting anything one way or the other. 


How I Became A Life Coach