Akashic Record Readings

The Akashic records are an energetic library containing information about the lives of every soul.

Do you ever wonder who you are on the soul level?

Or what your life purpose is?

An Akashic record reading will help you understand yourself better.

Your Akashic record reading will contain information about:

  • your energy center of training and the energy you bring to others

  • your soul group of origin and the energies associated with it

  • your soul training in between lifetimes and how you bring this energy into the world

  • your primary life lesson (gain clarity about situations and experiences that are helping you grow)

  • your natural strengths

  • past lives overview…the number of earthly incarnations you have experienced, the periods of history which were important to your soul’s evolution, and which spiritual/religious paths had an impact on your soul

  • your strongest intuitive gift

  • spirit guides, archangels and divine beings around you

Your reading will be delivered to you as a pdf document that you can keep and refer to throughout your entire life.

Learn more about what the Akashic records are and how I access them here.

 Each soul is unique and what you need in your life can change through the years. Choose an option below for your choice of the Akashic record reading that best suits you now.


Choose the type of reading or session you wish to purchase below and click on the Order Here button.

Once you have placed your order, I will email you within 24 hours to set up your session.

If you are ordering an Akashic Record Reading, I will be asking for some information I will need in order to do your reading. (This information includes your name and birth date.)

Be sure that the email address you enter when you go through the payment process is the one that is best for me to contact you with, as this is the one I will be using to communicate with you.

Once I receive that information, I can begin your reading.

Akashic Record readings and virtual sessions must be redeemed within 30 days. There are no refunds.

Please note that Akashic Record readings are meant to be received once in a lifetime. If you have already had a reading that offers the same type of information that I am offering, please go with the original reading. The reason is that if you receive another reading like this, the information could be the same or it will contain secondary information that may not be as relevant.

I can, however, go into more depth and do more research into specific areas of your reading. If that is the case, you can schedule a follow up session.

If you are ordering a reading or a session as a gift, please make sure that the person you are buying for knows about it and wants it.

You must be 18 or over to purchase and receive a reading from me.

  • The mini reading

    A mini reading is a great alternative to a full reading. You will receive a pdf document of your energy center of training and soul group of origin, the two most defining and revealing parts of your Akashic record. Usually around nine to eleven pages.


  • The full reading

    In addition to your energy center of training and soul group of origin, you will receive information about your primary life lesson, your soul training between lifetimes, your life roles and other gifts of your soul, your intuitive gifts, and an overview of your past lives. I’ll also tell you about any guides or divine beings around you. You will receive a pdf document of about twenty five to thirty pages.


  • The full reading and a live session with Dawn Marie

    In addition to receiving the pdf document of your reading, I will schedule a live call with you via google meet to discuss your reading. This is a great option to integrate what you have learned about yourself and how you will use this knowledge to create a better life for yourself and others.


  • follow up virtual sessions after your reading

    When you have questions or want more details about an aspect of your reading, a follow up session is beneficial. Your reading could create some profound shifts and be a catalyst for positive change in your life.


  • virtual healing sessions

    Occasionally, a reading can bring something to light that could benefit from a healing session. Because every soul and situation is unique, the method of healing is customized for each person.


  • spiritual coaching and guidance

    Intuitive, spiritually based life coaching is a beautiful choice for ongoing support in your life.
