Meet Dawn Marie

A Little Bit About Me

I have been a practitioner of the healing arts since the late 90’s. I started my career as a Massage Therapist who was very interested in Energy Healing and Yoga.

Since then, I have invested in myself with professional trainings related to Yoga, spirituality, personal growth, and holistic healing. I love to learn and if I’m not enrolled in a course, I’m studying and researching on my own.

I have owned and operated a Yoga studio & wellness center in an island community in Washington state. I lived there for five years and still visit the Pacific Northwest at least once a year.

As a child I lived in Taiwan, Italy and all the states along the west coast before settling near Fort Huachuca, Arizona when I was around six.

Arizona is my favorite state to live in. I currently make my home in Tucson.

I’m a real homebody. I actually like cleaning and organizing. (it grounds me)

I also love tending my backyard garden and making meals with what I harvest. Gardening is year round in the desert.

Reading and writing are a couple of my favorite things to do.

I live simply and prefer a minimal lifestyle.

I enjoy exploring local shops, farmer’s markets, and bookstores where I live and wherever I travel to.

I make my own bath & body products and most of my cleaning supplies with natural ingredients and essential oils.

I have a small booth at an antique mall that I stock with vintage and repurposed home decor.

I have a black cat named Spooky. She loves the garden too.

I am fascinated with plants. I learned to forage and wildcraft while living in Washington, and now I’m doing it in the desert and mountains of Arizona.

My hobbies are creative and practical, I like to have a purpose.

My taste in music is diverse. I listen to mainly classical or something chill when I’m at home alone and I love a good rock concert. Reggae has always been my choice to lighten the mood and create a fun atmosphere. And I’m a Swiftie.