Intuitive Life Coaching & Guidance

I help people understand who they are at the soul level so they can know themselves better and improve the quality of their lives.

A Holistic Approach To Life Coaching

My method of Life Coaching is multidimensional and honors who you are as a soul and where you are on your personal life journey. I have been a practitioner of the healing arts since the late nineties. I have worked extensively with individuals and small groups with the intention of offering experiences to promote wellbeing and assist in the healing of the mind/body. As the years have passed, my techniques have evolved and matured into a fusion of modalities that I draw from. Each person has a unique path and different needs.

I began integrating Life Coaching techniques with healing therapies around 2008 and brought Yoga into my business in 2013. I owned and operated a Yoga Studio for five years where I continued to immerse myself in practicing, studying, teaching, and observing results.

Since then, I have studied and applied advanced level therapeutic modalities and turned my focus to developing my natural intuitive gifts (and helping others to do this too) to integrate into your sessions for a deeper, soul level experience.

My commitment to you is that I keep learning and evolving, so that I continue to offer new experiences that support your personal growth and soul evolution.

Currently, I am available for private readings, healing sessions, and coaching. Scroll down to order your session.

Life Coaching Options


Scroll down and choose a coaching option.

Click on the Pay Here button.

Once you have placed your order, I will email you within 24 hours to schedule your session.

Be sure that the email address you enter when you go through the payment process is the one that is best for me to contact you with, as this is the one I will be using to communicate with you.

If you are ordering an Akashic Record Reading, I will be asking for some information I will need in order to do your reading. (This information includes your name and birth date.)

Once I receive that information, I can begin your reading.

Akashic Record readings and virtual sessions must be redeemed within 30 days. There are no refunds.

Please note that Akashic Record readings are meant to be received once in a lifetime. If you have already had a reading that offers the same type of information that I am offering, please go with the original reading. The reason is that if you receive another reading like this, the information could be the same or it will contain secondary information that may not be as relevant.

I can, however, go into more depth and do more research into specific areas of your reading. If that is the case, you can schedule a follow up Life Coaching session.

If you are ordering a reading or a session as a gift, please make sure that the person you are buying for knows about it and wants it.

You must be 18 or over to purchase and receive a reading from me.

  • Spiritual and Intuitive Development Coaching

    This coaching is for those who wish to identify and develop their natural intuitive gifts. I’ll assist you in connecting with your spirit guides and higher self through guided meditations, prayers and visualizations to heighten your intuition. You will also be assigned “homework” to practice on your own to develop your gifts.


  • Personal Growth & Professional Development Coaching

    Are you feeling stuck? Are you lacking clarity and focus? You may have some limiting thoughts and beliefs or old patterns of behavior that are not helpful. If your desire is to grow, and develop personally and professionally, we will need to identify, then reframe those limiting tendencies into something that better supports your desires on both the conscious and subconscious levels. From this new foundation, you can then move toward your intentions with more grace and ease.


  • Your Personal Life Coach

    When you need general support, guidance and accountability, having your own personal life coach to check in with is essential to your well being.


Akashic Record Readings & Intuitive Life Coaching

My recommendation is that you first schedule an Akashic record reading. The reason for this is because the records hold all the information about your soul’s purpose, lessons, gifts and more. It’s like having a bird’s eye view of your life. 

Once I complete your reading, I’ll reach out to schedule a call with you to go over it. I usually use Google meet to do sessions. 

Your first session with me is a lot like meeting a new health care provider. (Unless this is a one off appointment for something very specific.) I’m referring to an evolving relationship which many of my clients desire. I’m getting to know you and hearing what it is that you want. Where in your life are you stuck and want to grow or change? How are you feeling? What do you need? The benefit of having your Akashic record reading is that a lot of information about you (that you may or may not be aware of) is at my fingertips and gives us a big head start.

Often people find me when they are feeling especially stressed out, sad, anxious, depressed and looking to have more peace, calm and balance in their lives.

There are lots of other reasons too. These just seem to show up most. It’s usually related to a relationship, a job, life purpose, or a difficult transition such as divorce, job change, moving, etc…

I am here to help you step into yourself, the self you are at the soul level. 

There is a lot of value in understanding where you come from, and who you are on the soul level, (soul group of origin) what energetic realm of training you have had, (the energies in this lifetime that you embody and bring to others) your soul gifts that you bring into this lifetime, (which you may have brought forward from other lives) and more. 

Past life information is interesting, however, we are meant to be here now and to fully embrace the life we are in. There are times that uncomfortable experiences or trauma is carried forward and creates blocks in this lifetime. If this is the case, we can absolutely work with that. 

As your life coach, I prefer to guide you to being grounded in this moment and to support you in manifesting the life you desire now. How you want to feel, what you want to accomplish, how to get into the creating/manifesting flow, to identify and revise limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habits. 

Akashic Record Reading & Life Coaching Session

The knowledge contained within an Akashic record reading will add an extra dimension to your Life Coaching sessions.

I highly recommend that you do this first. After making your payment, I will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule your first session.

Please allow up to two weeks for me to complete your Akashic record reading. You will also receive a PDF document that is usually between 25 to 30 pages.
