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a collection of stories, helpful resources, education and musings related to spirituality and healing

Higher Self Dawn Davis Higher Self Dawn Davis

Access the Power of Your Higher Self During Sleep

When I went to sleep last night, I set the intention to remember an address that I resided at when I was younger. I moved into that location at seventeen years old and lived there for just a few short years before moving to another city. My mind and body was on constant red alert while living there. I had left my foster home and slid right into an abusive relationship with a textbook narcissist. (I didn’t know what that was at the time) It took many years for me to understand the dynamics around this, and it was a theme in many of my future relationships.

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Life Coaching Dawn Davis Life Coaching Dawn Davis

How I Became A Life Coach

I empathize deeply. I have personally been through what feels like lifetimes of adversity and have navigated through it, so I know how it feels. I not only have training in multiple healing modalities, I have real life experience of moving through some really hard things and arriving on the other side a better, more evolved person. I know you can too. This is why I do the work I do. I care deeply for the well being of our planet and its inhabitants. It is my soul gift and mission as a lightworker to shine a light into the dark places and to be a small part of raising the collective consciousness on planet Earth.

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