What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records

What are the Akashic records?

Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ether, space or sky. It is the background, or the space, in which the universe exists. Akasha is the essence of everything that exists.

Ether is one of five elements. We have fire, water, earth, air, and the fifth element, ether.

Think of the Akashic records as being an energetic library with information that holds the details of your soul and its journey. This library contains everything there is to know about your soul and the energies you embody, your past lives, your present incarnation, and possibilities of the future. You could also think of it as an archive of the universe, that holds all there is to know in our world and beyond, everything that exists and has existed. It is the space in which all things manifest. 

How do I access the Akashic records?

I access the records through meditation. First, I block out a couple of hours of quiet, uninterrupted time. I make sure any physical needs are taken care of first so I’m not distracted by them. (like needing to eat or drink, using the restroom, etc…)

I will usually do a little Yoga to move out any excess energy and ground myself. The combination of breath, movement, and stillness brings me into a centered, calm space to focus on the task of going into the records. It’s important to have clear intentions going in, to know what I am looking for. I have questions printed out that I ask for my clients, and have pen and paper ready to write down the information I receive. 

When I feel ready to proceed, I do a bit of breathwork, then ask for help from my guides, angels, or other divine beings. I recite a series of mantras and prayers to clear any unwanted energies and bring in protection. 

Once this process is complete, I then ask for the records to be opened. 

I begin by asking specific pre-written questions. The answers come to me a few different ways. First, I use a pendulum to dowse for answers and a series of charts to receive accurate and precise answers based on the knowledge I already have, such as soul gifts, soul groups of origin, energetic realms of training, etc. 

I also receive information mainly through claircognizance (clear knowing), and often through clairsentience (clear feeling), clairvoyance (clear seeing), and/or clairaudience (clear hearing). 

When I receive information, I write it down. Once I put pen to paper, the information flows through me and onto the paper. (Automatic writing is another way I receive information.) 

Throughout this process, I remain neutral and I don’t attempt to make sense of it all. I just put it together. It’s an amazing experience to bring all the threads together to weave the story of someone’s soul. 

I compile all the information onto several pages, walk away for a short break, and come back to proofread it. This is when the story really unfolds and becomes clear. When I walk away, I am also energetically surrendering to the process of reading the records. It’s magical to me. 

How did I learn to read the Akashic records?

First of all, anyone can read the records with proper guidance and practice. I had unknowingly been accessing them throughout my life. I just didn’t understand what they were or what was happening.

I first became aware of the Akashic records through a book that was left in a book exchange box at my Yoga studio. I felt pulled to keep the book and it sat on my shelf for several years. I saw the book again in a friend’s home which brought it back into my awareness. We had a brief conversation about it and I was inspired to explore the subject in more depth. 

I also had life coaching clients who were expressing more interest in spiritual growth and wanting to understand themselves more on deeper levels. I began to experiment with the tools and techniques I already had and the results were really amazing. 

I continued to research and took courses in an attempt to combine my existing modalities with additional spirit based modalities. The more I learned, the more I realized that I already had within me what me and my clients needed. I just had to create a framework in which to access and deliver information in a professional way. 

Even though my work is esoteric, I am firmly grounded in science and like to know how things work. For example, Yoga is a science that I fully embrace for my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution. I am continually practicing and studying the science of Yoga. 

It was actually through my Yoga studies that I learned many of the skills I needed to access the records. I had already been doing it and teaching it to my students through Yoga and meditation. Several times a week, I am guiding people through experiences to access their higher selves, set intentions, get to the root of patterns of behavior, move energy, and more.  What I didn’t have yet, was the knowledge of what is contained in the records and knowing how to ask for specific, relevant information or even how to ask a question appropriately to get the answers.

Back to how I learned to read the Akashic records professionally…

I was researching personality types, in order to help my clients understand themselves better and what their strengths are. (which led me to researching intuitive gifts) Not sure how that happened, yet there I was! It was through that research I came across Anna Sayce’s website for professional intuitives. I was intrigued and tasted her free course. I then purchased her Intuitive Awakening course. It helped me to understand the gifts I had and how to use them. I also learned ways to enhance and develop my gifts further.

Her course offered another layer to my studies that I didn’t expect. It was also validation that I was on the right track. With my background of Yoga, and other holistic mind/body therapies, I was beginning to see how all of the studying, work and practice I have done since the late 90s was evolving into another level. It was taking everything I already knew, adding more depth, and giving me a framework to contain it all in. I was very excited.

During this time, I received a career reading from a student of Anna’s. The reading was so accurate, so precise, and gave me insights into my soul purpose in a way that was never presented to me before. (in reference to my career, it was not a full reading) After processing the information and journaling for several days, I was able to recognize why I felt stuck in certain aspects of my career and became aware of the patterns that kept me spinning my wheels and not seeing progress. I learned what I was naturally good at and could make a conscious decision to focus on those strengths. I also learned about the aspects of my soul that were more challenging to me and where the areas of growth were happening. With this information, I created a new platform to work from that feels much more aligned to my soul’s purpose. The really great thing about having this reading, is that when I slip into the place of self doubt, or any other lower vibrational energy, I can pull up the PDF document and remind myself who I am. It gets me back on track every time. 

For example, a couple of my archetypes are creator and storyteller. These are two of my soul gifts and things I’m very good at. I had a desire to express myself more, yet did not give myself the time and space to do it consistently. When I am focused on those areas, I create wonderful classes and workshops, yet I was neglecting those gifts in promoting myself and my services. 

The creator is also emphasized in one of my energetic realms of training, so that aspect is especially meaningful. A couple of areas I feel challenged in, and are emphasized in my energetic realms of training, are perfection and finishing what I start, so I will often redo something over and over and not finish it, striving to make it perfect. This website is an example. I have created multiple templates that have never been published and a few that were published and deleted because they didn’t feel right. I wasn't satisfied and kept starting over. So you can see I’m pretty good at creating and starting things, and wasn't so good at completing them. With this information about who I am, I was able to see what was in my way of creating and completing something in order to put my expression out into the world. I scaled the website project way back, deciding to keep it simple, not perfect, knowing I can edit and add as I go. This feels more relaxed and now I have something tangible to work on that I am satisfied with. 

After having the experience of someone reading into my Akashic records, I felt that this training was the missing link I had been looking for in my career. I signed up for the Akashic Record Reading course. It took me a few months to get through the lessons that Anna herself spent many years compiling and organizing. I learned what is contained in the records and how to read the records using the techniques she teaches through dowsing, and also how to use my intuitive gifts to further enhance the readings with more information if it comes through. I read, reread, listened to, and meditated my way through the material. I have scoured her student forum to learn from other students and practitioners to further integrate the knowledge that was shared with us through the course.

I also learned to trust myself by testing the results through practice reading on complete strangers. 

So here I am, as a result of obtaining information that is in my own Akashic records, I now offer readings, coaching, information, and healing services from this (imperfect) website that I created.


“I AM” Yoga Therapy